Do you want to get a new routine of 2022 SSC exam? Then follow the guidelines shown on our website today and take a look at the 2022 SSC exam routine and find out according to what date your SSC exam 2022 will start and on what date. We all know more or less that the SSC exams for 2022 were supposed to start from the 19th of the month but suddenly the SSC exams were postponed.
Because the students of a district as big as Sylhet or a board of education so big are stuck in many places because of the flood prone areas. In this case, they are not able to move from one place to another, just as daily life has become difficult for them. Therefore, considering such matters, starting from the Department of Secondary and Higher Education, the Ministry of Education has postponed the date of this examination without accepting the examination of the students.
The exams are scheduled to start on June 19, but due to the sudden turn of events, the date of the exams has been postponed and will be announced later. However, I would like to tell those of you who have come to know whether the new routine of SSC examination of 2022 has been published that the Department of Secondary and Higher Education has not published any new routine for you till now.
Because the boy’s condition is getting worse and worse, the routine has not yet been announced. However, if the situation returns to normal and the flood waters recede, you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity and the Department of Secondary and Higher Education will publish a routine for you from the Ministry of Education. However, it is understood that you are not likely to take the 2022 SSC exam before Eid.
Your SSC exam of 2022 will be taken after Eid and in this case the flood situation in Sylhet will take some time to return to normal. However, many of you who have made the final preparations for the SSC exams in 2022 and sat in a state of complete restlessness for the exams may have had their dreams shattered or their minds shattered. But if you think of the people of Sylhet and think of the students of Sylhet, you may not be upset, and we should pray for them in the same way that we have come forward in the service of humanity for them in terms of humanity.
We hope that they will get rid of this situation as soon as possible and then when the Department of Secondary and Higher Education will publish the examination routine for us, we will complete the SSC examination 2022 by participating in the examination according to that routine. So thank God for the good situation you are in or the good way you are living and when the next routine is published, you can download the new routine of 2022 SSC exam from our website.