Are you worry about your obtained marks in MCQ examination? Do you think that your examination is not so good? Do you have tension for passing in MCQ part of SSC examination? Do you want to know MCQ koto pele pass? If you have the questions in your mind, then this article is specially for you. Because in this article we are going to discuss about pass mark of SSC MCQ examination.
MCQ Pass Mark for SSC Exam 2023
You know that SSC examination is taken in three formats. They are as follows; written MCQ and practical. The total marks for any subject is 100. And this 100 marks in distributed in three formats.
SSC examination is taken in written and MCQ format in examination halls. And for Practical Examination you have to go to laboratory. 25 marks is distributed in Practical Examination.
Many of you have wanted to know how much marks they need to pass in MCQ examination. That’s why we are going to dig into the matter.
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SSC Math MCQ Pass Mark
According to mark distribution system of SSC examination, Mathematics examination is taken in 100 marks. Written examination is held in 70 marks and MCQ examination is of 30 marks. many of you have confusion about MCQ pass mark for mathematics examination.
Without talking much let’s discuss the matter in details.
SSC Math Written Exam Pass Mark
SSC math examination is taken in 70 marks questions. You have to answer 7 creative questions in this part. You know that among 70 marks, you have to obtain 33% mark in this part. You will only pass the exam if you obtain 33% marks of 70 marks in total.
Koto Pele Gonit MCQ Exam e Pass
Many of you have that question. Your help I am going to describe the pass mark of Gonit examination. As the examination is taken in 30 marks, you have to obtain 15 marks to pass in this examination. So gonit mcq objective e 9 number pele pass.
SSC ICT MCQ examination is held at 10:00 a.m. throughout Bangladesh. And about 2 million students has attended in this SSC ICT MCQ examination. MCQ examination of ICT is taken in 25 marks.
In order to pass in this part, you have to obtain 33% of total 25 marks.
SSC Bangla 1st Paper MCQ Pass Mark
Want to know SSC Bangla 1st paper MCQ pass mark for SSC exam 2023? Then you have to read this post to get idea about that. There is a misconception about pass mark in Bangla MCQ examination.
We all know that you have to get 9 or 10 marks to pass in order to pass that subject. But today I am encounter real information about pass mark in MCQ examination. You have to get 12 marks in order to pass in any subject of SSC examination.
SSC Bangla 2nd Paper MCQ Pass Mark
Bangla 2nd paper MCQ examination is the hard than any other subject in SSC level. Because in this part, there is grammatical items. You have to study hard in order to pass in SSC Bangla 2nd paper MCQ examination.
So you should not worry about it. You have to wait until the result of SSC examination will be published.