BL Government High School is a reputed and significant educational institution in Sirajganj. Educational Institutions Every year many students are able to achieve good results with due achievement. Students of the educational institution get education under the supervision of headmaster Nurul Alam Sheikh and other teachers. Every year the founder of this educational institution is Banwari Lal Roy.
He established this educational institution in 1854 AD. The educational institution belongs to Rajshahi Board of Education. In addition to formal education, various types of co-educational activities are conducted in the educational institution.
There are reputed educational institutions like BNCC, Red Crescent, Scout etc., through which students are able to keep themselves active in social activities. In addition, various types of national days are celebrated in the educational institutions in a well-organized manner.
Under the supervision of the head teacher, this educational institution has ensured 100% pass rate of students. Students are admitted to this educational institution every year. The children of this educational institution are Yadav Chandra Chakraborty, Syed Ismail Hossain Siraji, Abdullah Al Mahmud, Captain M Mansur Ali, Abdul Al Muti and others.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result PDF
The Minister of Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has announced that this year, as every year, students will be able to apply for admission online. The price of the online admission form is 110 rupees which has to be paid through Teletalk pre-paid.
Students will apply online, but they will not be able to take the exam this year. A lottery will be arranged on December 30 based on the names of the students who have applied for admission in BL Government High School. All the students whose names will be picked on the basis of lottery will get the opportunity to study in this educational institution.
Therefore, applications for admission in this educational institution are collected from 26 to 30 December. Since no admission test is being conducted online this year, there is no other way but to remember the creator this year and it is considered as a special initiative to keep the students away from the public.
A lottery will be arranged on the basis of the names of the students who applied for admission in BL Government High School and the students with the names will be given admission. If you want to download the list of eligible students in PDF format, click on the download option on our website.
In addition to BL Government High School, you will find a list of names of students who have appeared in the admission test of government educational institutions in Bangladesh. Stay tuned with us for all the information related to education.
Sirajganj BL Govt High School Admission Result PDF Download
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