Saleha Ishaq Government Girls High School is a reputed and reputed educational institution in Sirajganj. This educational institution is located on Sadar Hospital Road in Sirajganj. At present the number of students in the educational institution is about 156.
This educational institution was established in 1936 AD. This educational institution is 4.5 acres. The motto of the educational institution is “Shikshai Alo”. This educational institution was established by Mohammad Ishaq and Saleha Begum. Students of class III to X can study in the educational institution being able to achieve good results in the JSC examination of the educational institution in the last few years.
Under the supervision of Md. Afshar Ali, the headmaster of this educational institution and other teachers, the students get proper education and also play a significant role in co-educational activities. It was governmentized from this educational institution in 1986. It belongs to Rajshahi Board of Education.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result PDF
Students celebrate science fairs, information and technology fairs, various sports competitions, educational tours etc. every year. Like every year, in 2021 academic year, a notification is issued for admission in this educational institution.
In the present year, the admission system of the students was conducted through the admission test in this educational institution. But this year, due to the epidemic of corona virus, the Hon’ble Minister of Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has announced that students will be able to apply for admission online this year as they do every year.
But like every year, this year also there will be no admission test. A lottery will be arranged on the basis of the names of the students who will apply for admission in Saleha Ishaq Government Girls High School.
All the students whose names will be mentioned will get the opportunity to study only in this educational institution. Admission forms will be accepted from 15th to 16th December for admission in this educational institution. The price of the admission form of this educational institution is 110 rupees. This year, as every year, a certain number of students will be admitted in the educational institution, the educational institution said.
A lottery was organized on Wednesday 30th December based on the names of the students who applied online for admission in Saleha Ishaq Government Girls High School. The name of all the students who have been picked up on the basis of random selection has been published by the educational institution.
If you want to download the PDF file of the list of students who have got the opportunity to study in the educational institution, then click on the download option on our website. You can easily download the PDF file for free from our site. Not only Saleha Ishaq Government Girls High School, but all the government educational institutions in the country have a list of eligible students. Download the PDF file.
Sirajganj BL Govt High School Admission Result PDF Download
Sirajganj Saleha Ishaq Govt Girls High School Admission Result PDF Download