If you want to get the list of names of all the students who got a chance in the admission test in Rajbari Government High School in 2021 academic year, then look at our website below.
Our website lists all the students of Rajbari Government High School who have got the opportunity to appear for the admission test in the form of PDF file. You can easily download the PDF file if you want.
Rajbari Government High School is a traditional and oldest education in Rajbari. The institution was established in 1892 AD. The educational institution was established by the late Girija Shankar Majumder and the late Abhay Sarkar Majumder.
This educational institution is located on the main road of Rajbari. Students of class VI to X get the opportunity to study in the educational institution. At present the number of students in the educational institution is about 1800.
There are many more teachers in the educational institutions to provide the education system properly. Model High School was the name of the educational institution during its establishment. Later the name of the educational institution was changed to Rajbari Government High School. This educational institution is a unique educational institution in the Rajbari region.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF
Although the students get the opportunity to get admission through the admission test of Rajbari Government High School every year, everything is suspended in the 2021 academic year due to the global epidemic. Similarly, the date of publication of results has been announced on December 30, but the lottery has been postponed by the order of the High Court.
Later, in a very short time, when the educational institution publishes a list of the names of the privileged students, we have published the list of those names on our website in PDF file format.
In 2021 academic year, all the students of Rajbari Government High School got a chance to get their list of names in PDF file format. You can easily download it by clicking on the name of the educational institution. Stay tuned with us to get all the information related to education.
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Rajbari Govt High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download