NU Result 2023 মার্কশীটসহ Degree 3rd Year Result 2022 results

NU Result 2023 মার্কশীটসহ Degree 3rd Year Result 2022 results

For those students who are studying in various colleges under National University and studying in degree pass and certificate courses, today on our website important information about exam results will be discussed through this post. Moreover, those who have completed this third year exam and are waiting for the result as this exam candidate of 2020 must know the rules of checking the result.

Because the National University has published the result of this exam and you can check the final year exam result after the result is published. But for those who do not know the rules for checking the results or those who want to check the results at home, this post on our website has been arranged. So you must follow this post on our website to see the third year exam result of degree pass and certificate course.

www results 2023

Students study in the degree pass and certificate courses of every educational institution across the country under the National University. There are many who have comparatively low GPA in SSC examination and HSC examination, instead of taking admission in honors, they complete their studies by taking admission in degree pass and certificate courses and later complete Masters. So when you complete this course and want to improve 3rd year result than every year result then you must be serious about your studies and clear the exam well.

NU Result 2023 মার্কশীটসহ

Degree 3rd Year Result 2023

Already you are waiting for this result as you have completed the third year exam and we will inform you the procedure to check the result through this post. 2020 3rd year students who appeared for degree pass and certificate course examination started on 30th of July and ended on 9th of October. As per the rules every student attends their exam at 1:30 PM and completes their exams duly by going to the exam center mentioned in the admit card. As the students are waiting for the results of this exam after the completion of the exam, we are going to inform you about the rules to check this result.

nu ac bd result with marksheet

As a student of National University, when you want to check the exam results of degree pass and certificate courses, you have to follow the same rules for checking the results of all academic years including third year students. However, to check the results of National University, if you write National University Result and search on Google, the official website will appear in front of you or you can go to the official website by using this link After entering the official website you have to select the degree option and then select the year as you want to see the third year result.

Once the selection is done, proceed to the next step and there you will provide the roll number and registration number of the degree third year examination and mention the year 2020 as the examination year. A captcha code has been given below for you and understand this capture code well and put it in the empty cell and click on the option called sir result.

nu ac bd Result Degree

Then based on the information provided by you and depending on the availability of the server, you can go to the next page to see the details of the student and how much CGPA has been passed in the subject. We hope that through this post you have been able to check the final result of degree third year examination and within few days your consolidated result will be published.




