Through the public notice published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority, we learned that around 68,000 teachers will be recruited in MPO educational institutions across the country. If you want to know about who will be appointed, then I will say that those who have participated in the previous teacher registration examination, are registered or have obtained the registration certificate.
Therefore, those who have passed the registration test and are placed in the merit list must apply for the educational institution choice according to this public notification, then it will be wisest to apply after looking at the district wise and subject wise vacancy list. For your convenience today through this post on our website detailed information about the list of vacancies provided by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority is discussed.
Since teaching is a great profession and you can present yourself honestly to others by joining this profession, the private teacher registration and certification authority appoints teachers from time to time to involve yourself in this great profession of teaching. When you apply for the appointment of a teacher Then you have to participate in the past examinations of the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority and get a place in the merit list. By getting placed in the merit list you will easily wait for later and when the authorities publish the mass notification then you can apply online as per that mass notification.
Although we know that around 68000 teachers will be recruited across the country from schools and colleges to madrasahs and technical institutes, it is important to know how many teachers will be recruited district-wise and in the subject you have studied. After knowing all this information, when you apply, according to the advice of experienced people, it will be best if the educational institutions provide choice in areas where applications are less or where people want to go to teach. As the merit list candidates will be appointed teachers and many have made it to the merit list, you will follow this procedure to ensure your place.
However, in this case, many teachers want to know how many teachers will be appointed in their area or how many teachers will be appointed at the upazila and district level because every teacher wants to earn from their own area or want to involve themselves in the teaching profession from their own area. So for your convenience, we are going to inform you about these things. How many district wise teachers will be appointed. When you are aware of this information it will be very helpful in providing your choice list and depending on the district wise teacher recruitment you can shortlist the educational institutes of different districts.
If there is less competition in the subject in which you have completed your studies or if there is a lot of teacher recruitment in that subject then it will be seen that you will get placement very easily. So, keeping all things in mind, you must know the list of district wise and subject wise vacancies and apply within the specified time as the deadline for this application is given till 29th of January. In applying, you must follow every step and apply keeping in mind that no information is wrong in presenting the information. As the list of vacant posts has been arranged to see the detailed list, see the bottom of this post on our website.