As per the public notice published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority, when you want to know the list of vacant posts of various categories, we will inform you that information. Subject wise and district wise vacancy list will be provided on our website through today’s post along with providing this information according to educational institution or type of educational institution.
The authority has released this list for those who have passed the various examinations of the Private Teachers Registration and Certification Authority and were waiting for vacant posts after being placed in the merit list and are accepting applications accordingly. So if you have passed the registration and got place in the merit list then apply by selecting your preferred list based on the vacancies.
NTRCA জেলা ও বিষয় ভিত্তিক শূন্য পদের তালিকা
NTRCA Teletalk Vacant List 2023
Although the admission process or recruitment process of government educational institutions across the country is different, the private teacher registration and certification authority conducts recruitment based activities in private educational institutions. As the education system has progressed, private teacher registration and certification authorities manage secondary and higher secondary level educational institutions in every region of the country and recruit teachers. So when you apply for appointment as a teacher in various educational institutions through the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority and you have placed in the merit list through the examination, then you must apply through the educational institution choice as per the notification.
NTRCA শূন্য পদের তালিকা ২০২৩ এইমাত্র প্রকাশিত
Vacancy List Subject District Wise 2023 Exclusive
As this notification has been published on 21st December and on this basis you have the opportunity to apply online from 29th December to 29th January so it is best to check the list of vacancies and apply accordingly. Because in addition to knowing how many teachers will be appointed in an educational institution, when you want to get appointed in your district, you will definitely know about the number of teachers appointed in your district. So when you want to be appointed as a teacher, it will be better if you know the list of vacant posts and apply there considering the competitors.
এনটিআরসিএ শূন্য পদের তালিকা ২০২৩
Ntrca সারাদেশের শূন্যপদের তালিকা দেখুন
It is very important for you to know the subject wise vacancy list for recruitment as a teacher in the subject in which you have been appointed or completed your studies. There are some subjects on the basis of which such teachers will be appointed for the students of that category and there are some subjects in which teachers who have completed their studies in various subjects can apply for appointment. Considering all aspects, when you want to know about your subject, we will inform you the list of vacant posts subject wise and if you apply accordingly, you will get the job very easily based on your obtained number.
Moreover, everyone has a desire to get more or less appointed in their own district, so when you want to know the list of vacant posts in your own district, we will also inform you about that. Actually the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority has prepared this list of vacant posts so that you can apply by knowing the subject wise and district wise list. Starting from the educational institutions of the plain area to the educational institutions of the hilly areas, when you apply, consider all aspects and apply according to the list of vacant posts. Thanks to those who visit our website to know important information about application.