Following the public notice published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority, many of you now want to know how many vacant posts are available district-wise or subject-wise. Although we know all the information about the total number of teachers to be appointed, we could not know the list of vacant posts. So for those of you who want to know about the list of vacancies, the correct information about this will be provided on our website today. You are good to visit our website to get district wise and subject wise vacancy list and through this post we can provide you the correct information. So read today’s post to know all the information and choose the educational institution accordingly.
ntrca Subject Wise Vacant List 2023
ntrca District Wise Vacant List 2023
For the purpose of recruitment of teachers in various educational institutions, every year the Teacher Registration and Certification Authority publishes various types of notifications for the purpose of registration for the recruitment of teachers. Based on that information we know that this notification is published on 21st of December and the people who registered earlier can apply in this recruitment notification.
ntrca বিষয় ও জেলাভিত্তিক Vacant List Download 2023
Now many people have asked that your honors and masters are completed and you can apply in this notification? So I will tell you that it is not necessary to pass Honors Masters but there should be previous registration and only the registered people can provide the choice of various educational institutions. bd District Wise Vacant List Subject Wise Vacant List 2023
So those who had registered and obtained the registration certificate through multiple choice test will now have to give the choice of educational institution and appear in the subsequent tests on that basis. Since there will be a large number of teacher recruitments, you may want to find seat vacancies in your area of convenience and get recruited accordingly. But if the number of applicants in this area is high, it will be seen that there will be a lot of trouble to get the job or competition will be created. So if you take a slightly different approach or apply in areas where choice is less, you will eventually get hired. Vacant List 2023
And in giving choice, many of you may want to know how many seats are vacant in which district or how many teachers will be appointed in which district. So for you, we are going to inform you that the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority has announced the list of vacant posts on December 29. will be given Based on that information you can know how many seats are vacant in the educational institution or the number of vacant seats district wise. Along with that, you can get detailed information about how many teachers will be appointed on which subject and how many will be appointed in which district.