NSI Watcher Constable Result 2021 cnp.teletalk.com.bd Result 2021

NSI Watcher Constable Result 2023 cnp.teletalk.com.bd Result 2023

Do you want to get CNP result 2023? You can see the CNP results from our website. The results of those who took part in the CNP test on September 17 have been released by the authorities. We have arranged for you to view this result on our website later.

So if you want to see the results, they can go to the bottom of our website and see the results from there. You can read this post carefully from the beginning to the end to see the results of the examination for the post of Watcher Constable of Sinpi i.e. NSI.


CNP Result 2023

The National Intelligence Security Agency of Bangladesh is NSI. Every year a number of applicants from Bangladesh are given jobs in the vacant posts of this NSI. Other factories have to go through several steps to get a job in the NSI sector.

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The examination held on September 17 was for the post of NSI Watcher Constable. The number of vacancies in this test was 570. Since equivalent or SSC side students can apply for this post as around 1 lakh 20 thousand candidates from all over Bangladesh apply for this post.

NSI Watcher Constable Result 2021 cnp.teletalk.com.bd Result 2021

On that basis, the examination for the post of CNP’s Watcher Constable was held on September 17 in different centers of Dhaka city. A large number of students from all over Bangladesh came to Dhaka on September 17 to take various job tests.

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NSI Watcher Constable Result 2023 September 17, 2023

However, it was learned that many people could not participate in the examination for the post of watcher constable of CNP as there were examinations for other government jobs on the same day. Even after that many students for the position of Watcher Constable appeared at the examination center and completed the examination properly.

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A total of 80 questions were given in the CNP exam and the value of each question was 1.25. That is, 80 questions were given above 100 marks. 0.25 is deducted from the correct number for each incorrect answer. On this basis, those whose merit is at the top will be given the opportunity for the next written test. In this CNP exam, questions are asked on general knowledge of Bangla English, Maths and Science and Computer.

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Since this question was created by IBA, the type of question was a bit different than other CNP exams. Even after that, those who are good in terms of education have passed the examination for the post of Watcher Constable in a very beautiful way. Various Facebook groups are speculating that the test mark may be 55 to 60.

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When the test was held on September 17, the CNP diagnosed the results using an OMR machine. The idea is that these results are given very quickly and on that basis the results are given very quickly. Those of you who participated in the examination for the post of Watcher Constable at 10:30 am on the 17th will be able to see their own results from the results given on our website.

NSI Watcher Constable Result 2023 PDF Download

With this result you will find out your roll number and if you get the roll number then you will start preparing for the return test later. However, those who think that your test has been good and the chances of retaking are much higher, they should not waste time preparing for the written test for the position of Watcher Constable from now on. Since the job in this position is very respectable and can be done with responsibility and dedication, do not waste this opportunity and try your best to test.

You will be able to find out from our website all the information about the date of return examination, health examination, viva and medical test of those who will remain in the prelim post of CNP’s watch constable later. Check the test results to make sure you are nominated for the written test. If you have been nominated then good luck to you.NSI Watcher Constable Result 2021 cnp.teletalk.com.bd Result 2021

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