A special arrangement has been made on our website for all the candidates who participated in the examination for the post of Field Officer of NSI held on 8th October, 2023. All types of questions have been posted on our website for the participating examinees. Those of you who participated in the NSI Field Officer Examination and wanted to know the correct answer after participating in the examination must have done well on our website.
Because on our website you are getting answers to every question in a completely accurate way and the questions that were not answered in the option are explained correctly below.
NSI Question Solution 2023
So this action has been taken for the purpose of the candidates for the post of NSI Field Officer participating in 2023 and you should take that opportunity and match the answers to the questions to see how many marks you can get in the exam. Below is the correct solution for NSI Field Officer Question Paper for you.
You will find solutions to any type of competitive exam questions on our website. So whenever you take an exam, you will come to our website regularly and see the solution of the exam questions you have taken.
The National Intelligence Security Agency is an important agency in Bangladesh that operates under the Prime Minister’s Office. The job of the NSI is to provide security to certain people or certain organizations in the country. NSI is an open door for people who did not get job opportunities in defense due to various problems.
NSI Exam MCQ Question Solution Today 2023
Here a circular is issued every year and a certain number of manpower is recruited on the basis of the circular. In its continuation, an appointment was published in early 2023. This appointment mentions the recruitment of a fixed number of manpower for different posts.
Some advocates get the opportunity to apply to candidates from all districts and some get the opportunity to apply to candidates from designated districts. However, in the case of this NSI test, everyone should be in good health and the height should be above 5 feet 3 inches. However, in the case of women, even if it is 5 feet high. Moreover, for the examination of the post of field officer, one has to have computer skills.
An applicant must have passed the second class of the bachelor’s or equivalent degree examination for this position. Applicants who are able to fulfill all these requirements apply within the stipulated time and on the basis of that application the examination is held on Friday 8th October.
MCQ Question Solve NSI FO
Tests are scheduled from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm on scheduled days. The test consists of multiple choice questions of 100 marks and the value of each question is given as 1.25. Some of the candidates who applied for 79 posts from all over Bangladesh are absent from the examination centers. However, the rate of attendance is higher than the rate of absence and they complete the test by participating in the test in accordance with proper hygiene rules.
The question paper for the post of NSI Field Officer was prepared by the Institute of Business Studies, Dhaka University. Therefore, importance is given to English and Mathematics in the routine of the question paper. However, there were many questions that were confusing to answer and some questions were not answered in the option. In that case, the candidates have come out with an approximate answer. However, the cut mark will be higher as there is a huge number of applicants against a small number of seats.
Correct Solve of NSI Question 2023
So those who can get higher marks in comparison will have a list of names and they will get a chance in the written test. If you are confident that you have done well in the exam and will have the opportunity to participate in the written exam, then start taking the written exam preparation now.
Moreover, if you are confused about the answer to any question in the exam, check the solution of that question from our website now and check if you have answered the question correctly.