According to the public notice published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority on December 21, many people have asked to know where and how many vacant posts there are. In this context, the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority informed that the list of vacant posts will be notified in detail on December 29 at 12 noon. So now for those of you who want to know the vacancy list subject wise and district wise, our website has been organized and through this post we will give you an idea about it. So those who are still in the registration and are going to get appointed by providing educational institution choice, it would be wisest to know the subject wise and district wise vacancy list and apply accordingly. So let’s go to the bottom of this post and we will know all these information.
On December 21st, when the announcement was made by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority, we came to know that around 68,000 teachers will be recruited in MPO educational institutions across the country. So when you have achieved that consistency and placed the merit list, then you must give the choice of that educational institution and in this case you can apply within the specified time if the total 40 educational institutions of the country give choice. In order to apply, you must apply by 29th January and the application fee is taka.1000.
NTRCA শূন্য পদের তালিকা ২০২৩ এইমাত্র প্রকাশিত
Vacancy List Subject District Wise 2023 Exclusive
According to the recruitment circular published by various educational institutes, you participate in the examination and you can get the merit list through the examination. When you can get place in the merit list then you have to wait for the vacancies and the list of vacancies will be announced by the private and teacher registration and certification authorities. So when these authorities try to update us about every information we can know and act accordingly. Therefore, when you want to know the list of vacant posts for subject-wise and district-wise teacher recruitment among these sixty eight thousand teachers published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority, then we will inform you about this.
Many of you have completed your studies in various subjects and after completing your studies have participated in the examination as per the recruitment circular to become a teacher in that subject. So the authority is conducting all the activities to appoint you as a teacher and to select all the teachers who have got good marks in the exam. To get appointed as a teacher in the subject you have completed you need to know how many vacancies there are and if you have an idea of nihilism about yourself. It will be convenient for you to apply accordingly.
NTRCA জেলা ও বিষয় ভিত্তিক শূন্য পদের তালিকা
NTRCA Teletalk Vacant List 2023
Many people want to be appointed as a teacher if they are appointed in their own district, then they can live together with everyone and everyone can spend their days happily and peacefully. So when you want to get appointed in your district or want to get appointed in your upazila, you must first get an idea about how many teachers will be appointed in your district. Moreover, if you can be included in the list of those areas where the list of choices is less, then you can participate in this teacher recruitment very easily. So, to know the important information related to the recruitment of teachers and the vacancies in different categories of different places, you can know the information through this post on our website.