Would you like to download the list of names of all the students who got admission in Madaripur Donovan Government Girls High School 2021 academic year in PDF format, then visit our website below.
On our website you can easily and completely free download the list of students who got the opportunity to donovan Government Girls High School in 2021 academic year.
Donovan Government Girls High School in Madaripur is a reputed and significant educational institution. The educational institution was established in 1914 AD. Mosammat Nargis Begum is currently the headmistress of the educational institution. Apart from him, there are about 34 other teachers in the educational institution.
As a result students are able to take their education system under the supervision of teachers easily and are able to achieve good results every year. Students of class IV to X can study in this educational institution. At present the number of students studying in the educational institution is about 1100.
Every year 99% of the students in the educational institution pass with good results. Students of educational institutions are admitted every year through admission test.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF
Although there is an admission test system in the educational institution in the 2021 academic year due to the epidemic coronavirus students apply for admission online. But they did not have to participate in any kind of direct test. Students get the opportunity to get admission through online student system as these meritorious students will not be evaluated hence a main way.
Arrangements for admission to the educational institution are due to be released on December 30 to avoid the outbreak of the global epidemic corona virus, but the High Court has stayed the process. Later when the list of students obtained through lottery in the educational institution is published, we publish the list on our website.
We have given a list of the students of Donovan Government Girls High School in Madaripur who got the opportunity through lottery in the 2021 academic year on our website. You click on the name of the educational institution to get a list of those names.
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Madaripur Donovan Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download