Want to download PDF list of names of students who got opportunity in Laxmipur Adarsh Samad High School in 2021 academic year through lottery? Then you can go down to our website.
On our website you can easily download the list of eligible students of Laxmipur Adarsh Samad Government High School in PDF format. Besides, you will find the list of names of students who have got opportunity in other government educational institutions of Laxmipur district on our website.
Laxmipur Adarsh Samad Government High School is one of the oldest educational institutions in Laxmipur. The educational institution was established in 18. At present Md. Abdul Matin is acting as the head teacher of the educational institution.
At present there are about 1509 educational institutions. Many meritorious students of Laxmipur district have studied in educational institutions in the past. This educational institution is located at Laxmipur Sadar. The educational institution has 50 more teachers.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF
Every year the educational institution achieves good results. Admission test is conducted in the institution every year.
In the 2021 academic year, due to the global epidemic of coronavirus, all educational institutions have suspended their education and examinations. In this case, if the admission test is held, the health risk of the students will increase.
Therefore, the Minister of Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has decided that this year students will be able to complete the admission process online. To that end, the students applied to Laxmipur Adarsh Samad Government High School for admission from December 15 to 26.
The lottery was arranged for the students on January 11 through the application. We have published the list of the students who got the opportunity on our website.
If you want to download the list of names of all the students who got the opportunity in Laxmipur Adarsh Samad Government High School, you can easily get that file by clicking on the download option. You can see the table of contents on our website to get all the information related to education.
Laxmipur Adarsh Samad High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download