Do you want to get the solution of multiple choice question of C unit of Jahangirnagar University? Then our website has provided the exact solution of the question for your convenience. Those who have participated in this admission test for the purpose of admission in the first year of graduation of the academic year 2022-23 must not forget to check the solution of the question at the end of the test.
Because if you look at the solution of the question, you will be able to understand which question was correct and which question was answered incorrectly. This way you can gain an idea about your test and be sure about the chances.
Jahangirnagar University C Unit Result 2023
Jahangirnagar University is a reputed educational institution in Bangladesh and thousands of students graduate and post graduate here every year. The educational system and open environment of this educational institution helps a lot in acquiring knowledge of a student.
Jahangirnagar University examination has started from 9th November and as per routine today 16th November admission test of C unit has been held. Many students from all over Bangladesh take part in this admission test and the test starts from 1:45 pm and ends at 4 pm.
Jahangirnagar University C Unit is basically Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Students apply for admission in this faculty every year and there is fierce competition in the admission test. The number of applicants for C unit for admission in 2022-23 academic year is 10,288 as usual. All these students from all over Bangladesh attended the examination on their own campus of Jahangirnagar University within the stipulated time. The number of seats in the C unit of the university is 61.
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So let’s say and according to the number of applicants for each of the seats 168 people have applied for admission in the first year of graduation in the academic year 2022-23. However, there will be competition in such exams and you have to be at the top of the merit list by preparing for the exam without being afraid of it. However, there are many students in the test center who forget the answer to the question in Confucius for various reasons. They often give wrong answers while giving correct answers.
In this case students get in a lot of trouble and due to their negative marking the merit list lags far behind. However, if you have an examination for another unit of Jahangirnagar University later, you need to be more careful and prepare more. You have to be prepared for the amount of competition that is created for admission to Jahangirnagar University and you have to win the admission battle.
So each student looks at the answer to the question at the end of the test and they can be very sure about how the test went and they study more seriously to prepare for the next development test. So if you have participated in the admission test of C unit of Jahangirnagar University and you have worked hard for this test, then we wish you all the best from our website and wish you a chance in the mentioned unit.