Gaibandha Government Boys High School is a reputed educational institution in Gaibandha. This educational institution was established in 185. This educational institution is one of the oldest and oldest educational institutions in Bangladesh.
Miss Sahana Banu, the headmistress of the educational institution, has ensured a complete education system for the students by discharging her duties efficiently. Under his supervision the students are getting proper education and the students are getting more and more in their personal life. Gaibandha Government Boys High School is located in the school lane of Gaibandha Sadar. There have been enough teachers in this educational institution.
The land area of this educational institution is 7.6 acres. Late Sarat Chandra Roy Chowdhury has donated the land of this educational institution. The number of students in this educational institution is 1300. Previously, the name of this educational institution was HE Local and Model High School. Later, when the school was taken over by the government in 1986, it was renamed as Gaibandha Government Boys’ High School.
There are 5 classes. This educational institution has admission system for sixth class. Students from sixth to tenth class get education from this educational institution. Through the admission test every year, the students get the opportunity to study in this educational institution.
Moreover, trained teachers are accelerating the education system of the students by fulfilling their responsibilities. The educational institution is a state-of-the-art educational institution. There are multimedia classrooms, potable water supply, sanitation and hygienic tiffin distribution. Students are being able to acquire knowledge from this educational institution as well as in etiquette, sports, literature and culture.
Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ High School Admission Circular 2021
This year is no exception as admission is taken through admission test in this educational institution every year. However, there is no provision for direct examination this year. Dipu Moni, the Minister of Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, has asked the students to apply for admission so that the students are not at risk due to the global corona virus.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF
But they have called on every educational institution to ensure their admission through lottery this year without admitting them. Therefore, the students of Gaibandha Government Boys High School will be able to apply online and through this they will publish the names of the students who will get the opportunity to study in this educational institution. The educational institution has issued a notification for online admission application from 15th to 26th December.
Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download
A lottery was organized on the 30th of Gaibandha Government Boys High School on the basis of the application for admission in the month of December 2021 academic year. The educational institution has published a list of the names of the students who have got the opportunity to study in the educational institution along with the committees and teachers of the educational institution.
If you want to download the PDF file listing those names, click on the download option on our website. You can easily download this PDF file on our website. Stay tuned to our website to get all the information and directions related to education.
Gaibandha Govt. Boys’ High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download
Gaibandha Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download