Dhaka University admission test question 2023 of all units has been published on official result bd website. Those question paper can be collected for free from that website.
The website also publishes previous years Dhaka University admission test question paper for both written and MCQ exam. In this article we talk about the process of downloading science, arts, commerce and business faculty admission test question paper.
For those of you who are students of Dhaka University for the academic year 2022-23, last year’s question is very important. Students who want to get the solutions of the questions of the past year held by Dhaka University with solutions can easily get them from our website.
DU Admission Question 2023
You can go down from our website and download Dhaka University last year’s question with one click. The 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2023-20 academic year honors question papers that were prepared for the first year of admission are given on our website. Each unit of each academic year i.e. all the units including A B C D are given the questions of the previous year.
Students are not as active in conventional studies as always. They have kept themselves away from studies for a long time by staying at home. At this time the students started studying anew in the educational institution. But their admission test has not been held yet.
DU Admission Question Pattern 2023
The authorities of Dhaka University are facing various confusing situations due to different decisions taken at different times. So last year’s question is very important for students if they want to take a preparation while sitting at home. On our website you will find the questions of the last few years which will give you a detailed idea about the questions by solving them yourself.
If you analyze the questions, you will be able to understand the number of marks in the A B C D unit held at Dhaka University last year. Suppose many students do not know how many marks are on a subject above the “A” unit.
dhaka university b unit question bank pdf
dhaka university admission question 2023 c unit
dhaka university admission question 2023 a unit
du a unit question bank pdf
dhaka university b unit question bank pdf download
dhaka university d unit question bank pdf
du admission question 2023 b unit
dhaka university d unit question 2023
Of course we all know that English, Bengali, general knowledge and in some cases mental skills are questioned. But if the students know the details of how many numbers are given, then it becomes very easy for them to prepare.
So it is very important for students to solve last year’s questions in order to make a constructive preparation at home. We want the students to have the opportunity to study at Dhaka University. So that they can be tactful and participate in the exams by doing the subjects themselves.
Dhaka University Admission Question 2023
Every year thousands of students get admission in Dhaka University. For this they have to participate in a test called admission test. Dhaka University conducts admission test every year. The test is divided into several categories.
HSC pass students from all over the country can participate in the admission test here. However, each faculty has specific eligibility criteria for admission. Admission test circulars are published at certain times of the year.
After the publication of the circular, some time is given for online application. Once the application process is completed, the admission test is taken by publishing the routine.
Dhaka University Admission Test question papers are not given to students. That’s why the only way to get a university admission guide question paper.
On our website we have published the solution of the question papers of each unit of all the years from different admission test guides.
DU D Unit Question Pattern 2023
As you know, Dhaka Board conducts admission test by dividing it into different faculties.
Admission test of the prescribed subject is held in each faculty. And all the admission test question papers were taken from the students. We collected it with a lot of effort.
We hope this effort will help you. Described below is how you can easily download question papers of all subjects of Dhaka University Admission Test.
All Unit MCQ Question Solution 2023
DU A (KA) Unit MCQ Question Solution 2023
DU B (KHA) Unit Question Solution 2023 Dhaka University Admission test 2022-23
B Unit Solve
১. ‘ব্যর্থ” শব্দের সন্ধি-বিচেছদ হলাে – ক. বি + অর্থ
২. A cat in gloves catches no mice’-এর সমার্থক বাংলা প্রবাদ – গ. সােজা আঙ্গুলে ঘি ওঠে না
৫. ‘জাদু’ শব্দটি যে ভাষার – খ. ফারসি
১০. সিরাজউদ্দৌলা নাটকে ‘স্ট্যান্ডিং লাইক পিলার্স’ বলতে বােঝানাে হয়েছে – খ. নবাবের সৈন্যদের
১২. ‘চক্ষুর দ্বারা গৃহীত’-এর এক কথায় প্রকাশিত রূপ – গ. গোচর
১৪. ‘মানুষ স্বার্থের জন্য অন্ধ হয়ে যায়। যে রচনার উদ্ধৃতি – গ. বায়ান্নর দিনগুলাে