DSHE Job Exam Result 2023 PDF Download has been published by dshe.teletalk.com.bd Result 2023. The results of the test held by DSHE have been published today. Those results can be seen from the official website of DSHE. Moreover, if you are interested in seeing the results quickly, go to the bottom of our website and download the PDF file of the results from there. We have uploaded the results on our website for the convenience of the candidates. So make sure you find your roll number in the result without delay and prepare for the next viva exam.
Everyone is aware that 769 people will be appointed to the four posts in the circular published by DSH. Authorities called for applications from candidates from different districts on the basis of these appointments. Candidates from certain districts apply for this examination for that purpose. On the basis of the application, DSHE conducted the examinations in different centers of Dhaka city.
A total of 769 people will be appointed to the four posts, authorities said. These four positions include book store, security guard, gardener and cleaner. For that purpose, the authorities take a total of 80 marks. This test of 80 marks was given in short form and the examinees completed their examination in a very beautiful manner.
The authorities then evaluate their books properly and prepare the test results. With about 75,000 students from across the country taking part in the exam, it has been a bit late to see these books. Finally, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education published the results on their official website.
You can also view these results by accessing their official website. They have given the results in PDF file format. You will enter their official website and go to the notice board and download the results from there.
If you want to download the results from our website, you can get the results by going to the bottom of this post. We will explain in detail when the viva of the mentioned verses will be held later and what you have to do for the viva. Stay tuned to our website to get accurate and precise information and directions. And now you see these results and confirm your position.