In the 2023 academic year, the students were finally selected to study through the Cox’s Bazar Government High School lottery. Would you like to get a list of all the students of Cox’s Bazar Government School who got a chance? Then check out our website below. You can easily download Cox’s Bazar Government High School results from our website.
Cox’s Bazar Government High School is one of the oldest and one of the oldest educational institutions in Cox’s Bazar. This educational institution was established in 184 AD. The motto of this educational institution is “Quality schools make a quality nation”. The educational institution has 23 acres.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2023 PDF
The headmaster of the educational institution is performing his duties honestly. Students of sixth to tenth class of this educational institution can study. At present the number of students in the educational institution is about 1000. Every year this educational institution is able to achieve good results.
About 97.8 per cent students pass with good results every year through proper performance of head teachers and other teachers.
Although students are admitted to Cox’s Bazar Government High School every year through admission test, no admission test is being held in the 2023 academic year due to global epidemic coronavirus. Students apply online to the educational institution from December 15 to 26. The lottery process will be conducted online according to the user ID and name of the application.
The educational institution will have the opportunity to publish the list of names of the students who will get the opportunity in the educational institution. Or you can see the results on the website. If you want to get a list of those names, you can easily get it from our website.
If you want to download the list of students who got the opportunity through lottery in Cox’s Bazar Government High School on January 11, 2023 in the 2023 academic year, click on the name of the educational institution. Also see our table of contents to download the list of eligible students from every government educational institution across Bangladesh.
Cox’s Bazar Govt High School Admission Lottery Result 2023 PDF Download