No lottery was held on December 30, according to the applications of all the students who applied for admission in the 2021 academic year at Burichang Ananda Pilot Government High School in Comilla. Subsequently, on January 11, the educational institution released the list of students who got the opportunity through lottery at Burichang Ananda Pilot Government High School.
Would you like to get a list of those names? You can easily get the list of names on our website in PDF format. See below to download the list of names of students in Burichang Anand Pilot Government High School.
Burichang Ananda Pilot Government High School is one of the traditional and one of the educational institutions of Comilla. The educational institution was established in 1920 AD. This educational institution is basically an educational institution for boys.
Also Read: Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF
At present the headmaster of the educational institution is performing his duties properly. In addition to the head teacher, the students are able to achieve good results every year under the supervision of 25 more teachers in this educational institution. Students of class VI to X can get education in this educational institution.
At present the number of students in the educational institution is 1360. The educational system of the educational institution is provided through Bengali. This educational institution is under the jurisdiction of Comilla Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Burichang Ananda Pilot Government High School has issued a circular for the admission of students for the 2021 academic year. There, students will apply for admission in this educational institution online from December 15 to 26. But like every year, this year also no examination will be held in the educational institution. Admission test has been canceled due to epidemic coronavirus.
However, a lottery will be arranged through the website according to the names and user IDs of the students who have applied to the educational institution. Although the results of the lottery on December 30 were supposed to be released, the lottery was not held as per the order of the High Court.
Click on the download link on our website if you would like to download the list of eligible students of Burichang Anand Pilot Government High School in PDF format. Stay tuned for updates on all education related information.
Comilla Burichang Ananda Pilot Govt High School Admission Lottery Result 2021 PDF Download