BPSC 43rd BCS MCQ Preliminary Question Solution 2021 Download October 29, 2021

BCS Question 2023 44th BCS Preliminary Exam MCQ Question Solution 2023 Download

Those of you who have participated in the 44th BCS exam of 2023 will be able to see the solution of the exam questions held from our website after completing the exam. You can take the solution of the question given on our website as accurate and correct. Because, all the solutions have been solved by experienced teachers and BCS cadre.

So feel free to take the solution of the question and see how many marks you can get in this test. Because no candidate can answer 100% of the questions in the BCS exam of Bangladesh Public Service Commission. To find out what the answer to an unknown question might be to an examinee and what would be the correct answer to all the confusion questions in the examination center, one has to look at the solution to this question.


BCS Question Solve May 27, 2023

Moreover, according to the cut mark of the question, when an examinee can gain an idea about his exam, he will get a kind of confidence and will start preparing for the written exam. So those of you who took the BCS exam on October 29th, go to the bottom of our website without delay and from there you can see the solution of various questions completely free of cost. If you want, you can collect them and share them with your friends.

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44th BCS Exam Question Solution 2023 May 27, 2023

Note that the BCS Exam Circular held on 29th October was published in 2020. However, due to the suspension of students, many candidates could not complete their graduation and did not get the opportunity to apply for the BCS exam. So a letter is sent to PSC from every university to extend this period.

44th BCS Question Solve with Proof

So the PSC increases the time from thinking about the examinees and due to this extension the time limit many students get the opportunity to apply for the BCS exam with Apparel Certificate. As a result, the number of candidates has been around four lakh.

However, according to the circular published in 2020, 1814 people will be recruited. Therefore, in contrast to the mentioned seats, a large number of candidates from all over Bangladesh start applying online. After completing the online application process, the PSC announces a scheduled day for the exam. Therefore, BCS examination is taken on October 29 from 10 am to 12 noon.

BCS Preliminary Question 2023

A total of 200 multiple choice questions were given in the 2023 BCS exam. Within this multiple choice question were asked questions from Bengali, English, Mathematics, Mental Skills and General Knowledge among others. Examiners try to answer the most accurate questions appropriately by appearing at the examination center.





However, last year’s survey showed that BCS can get more than 100 marks to pass the preliminary examination. Therefore, if a candidate can answer more than 100 correct questions out of 200 multiple choice questions, then he will get a chance for written test. So if you have passed such a good test, you must check the solution on our website to be more sure.

Solution Download Link

And those who think your exam is bad and you may not be able to pass the preliminary in the 44th BCS exam because of this bad exam, start preparing for the next exam from now on. Since it is a special path, you have to be highly prepared to walk this path and try to be a member of the best Bangladesh Karma Commission.

Congratulations from our website to those who have worked so hard for the 44th BCS exam and have done well in this exam.




